Broadway Bound Logo
Framed Kids

Who We Are

More than an after-school program, Broadway Bound inspires young lives by releasing their own creative energy. Important life skills - Respect, Self-Esteem, Cooperation and Optimism - are reinforced in an exciting and fun atmosphere. Playfulness fosters creativity through numerous Performance Arts Workshops, or PAWS, which culminate in a live group performance. These workshops, for Pre-K through High School students, range from Ballet to Hip-Hop to Musical Theater and are geared to meet the diverse needs of your students. Each PAW meets once a week for an hour and focuses on a different Performance Art discipline. Broadway Bound shows, routines and scenes are collaborations between our Performance Art Leaders or PALS and their students. Diverse material from popular shows is often combined with material newly created by the students themselves. The only requirement – a positive message must be conveyed.

What We Do

We send Professional Performing Artists to your school to lead after school classes that are specially designed to meet the needs of your students. Each class meets once a week and culminates in a performance at the end of the semester.

Where We Are

We offer professional workshops at an affordable price RIGHT AT YOUR SCHOOL. A few of the schools we work with are Trevor Day School, The Cathedral School, and St. Hilda's and St. Hugh's School. We hope to be at your school soon.

The Words We Live By

FUN - rule number one is that everyone has fun!

RESPECT - yourself and others. Be kind to all around you and have confidence in yourself.

OPTIMISM - you will be challenged, but not beyond what you can handle. Therefore, no negative comments are allowed about yourself or others. Build one another up.

SELF-ESTEEM - everything we do in class is geared towards increasing self-esteem in our students.

CREATIVITY - there are no stupid questions, routines or scenes. Be as creative as possible and let your PAL guide you to be the best you can be.

COOPERATION- is essential. Every production requires teamwork. Listen to one another’s ideas and work together.

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